Turki Jandiy

 Hello everyone 🫠🫠👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋.

Today is the last day of our 2-week internship🥹🥹💫💫💫💫💫💫💫. Today we have invited Turki Jandi zioratgohiga tashrif😇😇😇😇😇.  Now I will show you information📝📝📝📝📝 and pictures📸📸📸📸📸📸 about this place⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️⛅️.

Hazrat Turki Jandiy is one of the scholars and scholars of Bukhara (10th century). The full name of the sheikh is Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn al-Fazl Musa al Jandi . Hazrat Turki Zhandi was born in the city of Zhand near Sirdarya , and reached his academic maturity in Bukhara. In "Nasabnama" it is recognized that "Abu Nasr ibn Abu Ishaq was one of Kalabadi's comrades, he was a pioneer in the science of tafsir and hadith".

The tomb of Hazrat is located in the south of Bukhara city , and it has been a great pilgrimage site since time immemorial. He was at the top of Sufism and gained the love of people with his example, breath and manner. Detailed information about them is given in "Nasabnoma", "Nazmi Kitobi Mullozada", especially "Tuhfat uz-Zairin".

Turki Jandi shrine is one of the prosperous shrines. Turki Jandi mausoleum (age unknown, probably rebuilt in the middle of the 16th century). This mausoleum is located south of the main tourist area of ​​the city, on the eastern side of Namozgoh Street, which leads to the Namozgoh Mosque. The exact age of the building is not known, the unpublished excavation reports of Badr and Tupev from 1971-1972 indicate that the current building was built in the middle of the 16th century and went through three construction periods. Architecturally, the building's prominent dome is indicative of Timurid architecture and is reminiscent of the Mir Arab madrasa and the Gori Amir mausoleum in Samarkand.

See  you 🫠🫠💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕.

Zarina Jo'raboyeva Ozodjonovna 15XTA 💫🕊.


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