Boboyi Poradoz

    Hello everyone 🙂👋👋👋.

      Hazrat Baboyi Poradoz (Baboyi Shawqi; Sheikh Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Askof) is a hermit, scholar, sheikh from Central Asia (VIII-IX centuries).  Babayi Poradoz mausoleum. Boboyi Poradoz was born in Bukhara in 842 and died in 925. He lived 83 years. Sources say "Shavqi Baba's original name is Poradoz . " The reason for this is said to be that he lived with the love of God. That's why they called the sharif family " Baboyi Shavqi". Also, the Char Bakrs of Bukhara, that is, Abu Bakr Sa'd , Abu Bakr Fazl , Abu Bakr Tarkhan , Abu Bakr Hamid , and Abu Jafar Hinduwani, who is considered a well-known mujtahid (regulator of religious rules), were students of Babayi Poradoz.    Boboyi Poradoz was considered the pir of tailors, shoemakers, mahsidoz and other professions.  The mausoleum of Babayi Poradoz is located outside the Sallakhana gate of Bukhara city . Bukhara is one of the shrines. 






     Jo'raboyeva Zarina Ozodjonovna 15XTA 🩷


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