Sayyid Po Bandikusho

  Hello everyone 👋👋👋👋🫠🫠.

  Here is the fourth day of our practice today💫💫💫. We visited Sayyid Po Bandikusho shrine today🌸🌸🌸. 




"Said po Bandi Kusho" mosque

The "Said po Bandi Kusho" mosque located on Khorezm Street in Bukhara was named after Hazrat Said Abulhasan. Hazrat Said Abulhasan po Band died in 395 Hijri (1004 AD). The genealogy goes back to Hazrat Imam Hasan (ra) through nine rings.

In the book "Tuhfat az-Zairin" the following genealogy is given: "Shaykh Syedul Imam Abulhasan Muhammad ibn Ali bin al Husayn bin al Hasan bin al Qasim bin Muhammad bin al Qasim bin al Hasan bin Zayd bin al Hasan bin Ali ibn Abu Talib may Allah be pleased with him. , the mashoyiki sect and the truth." It can be seen that Hazrat Saeed Abulhasan was a scholar, a scholar, scholar of the Shari'ah Tariqat - he was a sheikh of truth. 

Hazrat Ja'far Khildi is the leader of Saeed Abulhasan's sect, and Jafar Khildi is the murid of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi. Hazrat Said Abulhasan is the teacher of the famous Abu Bakr Ishaq Gulabadi. 

It is said that Hazrat Said Abulhasan was slandered and imprisoned. The shackles on his hands and feet would open by themselves during every prayer. After performing the prayer, their hands and feet will be shackled again. This blessing was revealed to the king of Bukhara. Shokh immediately came to the dungeon, apologized to Hazrat, and wanted to release the nobleman. Hazrat Said Abulhasan po Band Kusho said: "According to the will of Allah, my hands and feet were shackled." I have accepted God's destiny. They said that this is a test of God.

  Zarina Jo'raboyeva Ozodjonovna 15XTA 🩷.


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