Chor Minor

    Hii 👋👋👋👋🙂🙂.

         Chor Minar ( Persian - four towers ) is an architectural monument in Bukhara ( 1807 ). Built by Khalifa Niyozguli. Chor Minar consists of a mosque and a madrasa , built in the traditional way, and a courtyard surrounded by one-story rooms.



      The madrasa was built in the 19th century by the rich Turkmen Khalifa Niyazqul who lived in Bukhara . The four-towered building is sometimes thought to have been the door part of the madrasahs that once existed at the back. Chor Minor is actually a complex building designed for living and praying. The madrasa was originally a part of an old madrasa that collapsed later. It is not known in whose honor Niyozqul built the madrasa.

Jo'raboyeva Zarina Ozodjonovna 15XTA🕊🩷 


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